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Südtiroler Privatvermieter
Stories from the whole South Tyrol
Quanto bene conoscete l’Alto Adige? Le tradizioni, la storia e gli usi e costumi di ogni sua valle? Se a queste domande scuotete la testa, allora siete finiti sulla pagina giusta. In questo blog vogliamo condividere con voi esperienze, eventi e particolarità del nostro amato territorio, i punti panoramici più belli da cui ammirare il tramonto, le migliori ricette di ogni singola valle (le calorie non si contano!) e le attività più entusiasmanti. E molto, molto di più. Partite per un viaggio virtuale attraverso l’Alto Adige!
A blonde, well groomed woman is sitting opposite me, her hands folded over each other, slowly removing nail varnish from her nails.“You know, I won't use gel again. It ruins my nails and takes too long to take off.“ Everything has to happen quickly for Silvia Delago. Otherwise she would never manage to tackle the mound of tasks that await her every day. 'Arbea Appartements' with holiday flats, two small children, her in-house wood carving workshop and regular performances with her female voice quartet 'De Cater'.

The secret gets around

But Silvia's secret actually lies in her crammed diary. She says that she needs to be busy. Wood carving, taught to her by her father, has become a hobby and a job, just like singing.“I have time to switch off when I am doing what I love, making household chores, and looking after the children and guests a lot easier.“ This is how her wheel turns, in the right direction, one spoke not being able to do without the other, ending in full circle.

Carved from life

“I am really happy. I have two healthy children, a work that I love and a nice house – what more could I wish for?“ I can only nod in agreement. But I still ask her if there's anything she would change, if she could.“The only thing that I would sometimes carve out for myself would be a little more time - time for myself, or time to go on holiday involving no deadlines, guests or exhibitions.

Arbea Appartments

Mother's Day – the joy of motherhood

On Mother's Day, does Silvia just drop everything? “No, definitely not!“ she says, shaking her head. I knew all along that Silvia is a woman of action and one who does things properly.“There are things that I simply have to do every day – even on Mother's Day. Of course, we celebrate it, and ideally, I spend it in the mountains with my family. At least somewhere where I can take things slowly, away from the crowds. When I can get a bit of peace and quiet and the children are happy, then I am happy too, and Mother's Day goes smoothly.“


Silvia is the first person I've met who will sing something for me without hesitation when I ask her to. “It's a good thing that we're in the garden – first of all, the neighbours can hear the performance and secondly, her voice needs more space than a room affords.” I applaud and see before me a self-confident woman who is aware of her talents.


Silvia finds time to show me her workshop. She ties her apron with expert hands, laughs, sits down on the stool and gets to work on her current wood carving. It's a photo that she has to 'put into wood'. Next to her there is a small table where her children sometimes 'work' while she is busy with her carving. On the other side there is a bag of onions with a photo of Silvia's group, 'De Cater', above it. All aspects of this multi-talented Gröden native meet under one roof – successfully.
Everyday stories – walking down memory lane
Story from Bauer Eva, Haus Bauer – Ritten/Renon: Sinfully expensive toilet paper When I was young it was common, like in most South Tyrolean establishment, to help out whenever it was needed. My sister and I helped cleaning the rooms, and it was ...
26. February 2015
Sweetens every autumn: South Tyrolean Apple Strudel – get the recipe
Autumn is sweet with South Tyrolean apple strudel following a recipe by Waltraud Runggaldier – Appartements Toni in Feldthurns Crunchy red, sweet with a golden sheen or bright green and juicy. Apples are not just any old fruit in South Tyrol. They ...
03. September 2015
A hiking adventure in the Dolomites
The sun shines brightly in the deep blue sky, birds are singing, the Alpine herbs and flowers dance merrily in the summer breeze – that’s what a fabulous hiking day in the Dolomites looks like. Sometimes however, a wonderful hiking tour turns into a ...
07. August 2018
Südtirol Privat
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+39 0471 981939
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