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Stories from the whole South Tyrol
Quanto bene conoscete l’Alto Adige? Le tradizioni, la storia e gli usi e costumi di ogni sua valle? Se a queste domande scuotete la testa, allora siete finiti sulla pagina giusta. In questo blog vogliamo condividere con voi esperienze, eventi e particolarità del nostro amato territorio, i punti panoramici più belli da cui ammirare il tramonto, le migliori ricette di ogni singola valle (le calorie non si contano!) e le attività più entusiasmanti. E molto, molto di più. Partite per un viaggio virtuale attraverso l’Alto Adige!

The arrival of spring sees the start of the walking season in South Tyrol. We will let you in on some top tips for walks and accommodation in our blog. Happy walking!

Spring is in the air

They say that spring always arrives from the south, and this is just how it is in South Tyrol. The scent of Chimonanthus flowers, colourful crocus buds and the bright green of the first shoots accompanied by the lively twitter of birds slowly makes its way from Salurn up the Wine Road to Bozen. Spring means more colour and lots of welcome sunshine, whilst temperatures cause mercury levels on barometers to rise. The walking season can begin! Yes, you heard correctly – unlike in the higher mountains, it’s not too soon to go on walks in the valleys. Through dense, fragrant forests, to mystical fortresses and castles, to electric blue lakes reflecting the skies, over the fields and meadows and through the tentatively blossoming vineyards and orchards of the South of South Tyrol.

The wine villages along the South Tyrol Wine Road make the ideal base for long walks or gentle strolls in the low mountain ranges. If you are staying in Tramin, the Tramin ‘Höhenwanderweg’ is within easy reach. From Kaltern, you’ll find the banks of the nearby Kalterer See lake bathed in sunshine, and you can go on a journey of floral discovery from Eppan with a walk along the ‘Frühlingstal’, or Spring Valley, which lives up to its name in the form of its carpet of flowers covering the forest floor.

From fortress to fortress, lake to lake

Those wishing to follow the trail of of knights and damsels should do the ‘Eppaner Burgenrunde’ circular walk, which includes the castles of Boymont, Hocheppan and Schloss Korb. This area features the most castles and fortresses in South Tyrol, and walkers can walk between castles and ruins through pleasant deciduous forests, where the first buds are proudly pushing through and glimpses such as these may be had.

There are also quiet paths leading from lake to lake. Both of the lakes at Montiggl are quite charming; nestling amidst woodland, their waters shimmer in shades of blue and green. The famous Kalterer See lake, always good for a boating trip, may be reached along gravel paths and woodland tracks from here.

A walking tip for every walking tip

The right route to suit all walking tastes: those wishing to venture deeper into the mountains to gain more insight may go on a visit to the Bletterbach Ravine at Aldein. The most southerly insider tip for spring walkers has to be the ‘Dürerweg’ path. This old cart track runs through dense deciduous and mixed forest, giving an idea of how people travelled across the Alps at the time that Albrecht Dürer made his trip to Italy. A gentle walk goes along the Kaltern or Eppan ‘Höhenweg’ path affording magnificent views. The historical centre of Bozen entices guests with its urban charm and keen hikers can get up to the sunny high plateaus of Ritten, Tschögglberg and Regglberg from there by means of cable cars and promenades.

Guests and friends

A particular breed of people inhabits the extensive floors of the Überetsch and Unterland valleys – one whose culture and character may only be discovered and experienced by coming into direct contact with their ilk. Their ‘Frühlingswanderwoche’, or Spring Walking Week, will add that personal touch to your South Tyrol holiday staying in private bed and breakfast accommodation, with many a friendship having been forged in this way.

Your B&B hosts in South Tyrol will not only provide you with top walking tips, but they also know all the paths starting right in front of your door. They know which inns serve the largest ‘Knödel’ dumplings, which landlord always offers a ‘Schnaps’ nightcap, which legends are woven around which local natural wonders, and where the best views across valleys and mountains may be had. Basically, all the things that go towards making your effort worthwhile. Happy walking!


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