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Stories from the whole South Tyrol
Quanto bene conoscete l’Alto Adige? Le tradizioni, la storia e gli usi e costumi di ogni sua valle? Se a queste domande scuotete la testa, allora siete finiti sulla pagina giusta. In questo blog vogliamo condividere con voi esperienze, eventi e particolarità del nostro amato territorio, i punti panoramici più belli da cui ammirare il tramonto, le migliori ricette di ogni singola valle (le calorie non si contano!) e le attività più entusiasmanti. E molto, molto di più. Partite per un viaggio virtuale attraverso l’Alto Adige!

The subject of numerous songs and its praises extolled all over, asparagus from Terlan may be seen in its varied interpretations when the Terlan art dealer and restauranteur Willy Sparer requests pictures of asparagus from artists near and far. The results are displayed in his art exhibition to mark the annual opening of the asparagus season. During the rest of the year, a huge wooden asparagus sculpture, erected in 2010 at the entrance to the village and created by students of the art school in Gröden, serves as a reminder of asparagus-based art.

Start of asparagus season: end of March

Year after year the start of the asparagus season is cause for celebration – partly for the media and press, and partly because of the social aspect to this wonderful spring vegetable. Every year Bozen’s high society take to the restaurants in Terlan to feast on asparagus. For those a little jaded with the ski season and somewhat impatient for summer to begin, tucking into a plate of asparagus with ham, salt potatoes and local ‘Bozner Sauce’ and a glass of sauvignon specially composed by the Terlan cellar manager is the thing to do. A diner jokingly remarks; “Eating asparagus is healthy anyway, so a glass of wine won’t hurt“, as he grabs a battered asparagus spear from a tray that the current asparagus queen is diligently carrying around the jostling crowd. This is the grand entrance of the acting Asparagus Queen, when she cuts the ‘first’ asparagus and declares the season officially open. Yes, being an asparagus ambassador is in her nature and she has loved eating asparagus since she was a child, when her parents extended their small field in order to satisfy the increasing demand for asparagus 20 years ago. A true asparagus queen to the core.

Regional economic cycles

The small asparagus fields in South Tyrol are worked mainly by family farms. They cover an area of 20 hectares and are dotted along the Etsch river, which has been patiently depositing sand and fine earth over hundreds of years, thus preparing the soil for this noble vegetable. Around half of the asparagus fields are concentrated in the Terlan-Vilpian-Siebeneich triangle (sorry, only in German and Italian available, but nice pictures anyway), yet those looking for some variety in the provenance of their asparagus can also find it in the Upper Vinschgau valley at Kastelbell. As with a lot of other types of fruit and vegetable , the fullness of taste of asparagus is enhanced by altitude.The regal asparagus has become cause for celebration and tends to be draped in all kinds of things: sauces, batter, potatoes, and even meat may be found as an accompaniment.

As Wilhelm Busch, a German poet and humorist in the 19th century, remarked:
“For asparagus with meat
can sometimes be a treat“.

Read more about delicious recipes in the next post!

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