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Südtiroler Privatvermieter
Stories from the whole South Tyrol
Quanto bene conoscete l’Alto Adige? Le tradizioni, la storia e gli usi e costumi di ogni sua valle? Se a queste domande scuotete la testa, allora siete finiti sulla pagina giusta. In questo blog vogliamo condividere con voi esperienze, eventi e particolarità del nostro amato territorio, i punti panoramici più belli da cui ammirare il tramonto, le migliori ricette di ogni singola valle (le calorie non si contano!) e le attività più entusiasmanti. E molto, molto di più. Partite per un viaggio virtuale attraverso l’Alto Adige!
Tips for the second half of the day

Missed the first part of our Bozen tips? Just click here!

Fodder for photographers – one of the many green sides of Bozen

Sated by wonderful first impressions and a delicious midday meal, it's time for a summer afternoon's walk to aid the digestion. Bozen has lots of greenery, with the nearest recreation area being the extensive Talferpromenade and the grassy expanses of the 'Talferwiesen' heading north alongside the Talfer river. Dogscouplesskateboarderskidsseniorcitizensfamiliesartistsfootballers – there's space for everyone on the Talferwiesen, which is perfect for cycling, sunbathing, licking of ice creams, taking of photos. Keener walkers can take to the Oswald Promenade, where the great views across the roofs of Bozen will have photographers snapping away.

Spoilt for choice – which cultural highlight to see

Bozen instantly brings to mind Ötzi the Iceman. Bozen's most famous citizen lies here behind glass in South Tyrol Museum of Archeology day-in, day-out and fascinates visitors from all over the world with the many stories woven around him and his world on creatively display. Of course he's worth a visit. But it doesn't have to be Ötzi! As he's stuck it out all these thousands of years, he may be kept waiting until the next trip to Bozen. Contemporary art lovers will appreciate Museion museum for modern and contemporary art, which looks strikingly different both inside and outside. Staying on the subject of museums, there are interesting exhibitions about the themes of Nature in the Museum of Nature South Tyrol. The castles and fortresses in and around Bozen are veritable museums and witnesses to history. Runkelstein Castle, the picturebook castle, has to be seen. It is served by a shuttle service to and from Waltherplatz.

Shopping in Bozen – big brands and traditional shops

It's always nice to take memories home with you as well as a little something in a more tangible form. A local delicacy perhaps? These may be found in the bakeries and butchers as well as delicatessens. Or some Alpine fashion or Italian shoes? There's always room for a bit of cliché. Under the Bozner Lauben arcades historical old shops jostle for attention with big brand stores. And if there's a seat free, a bar makes a welcome stop - what's an afternoon's shopping without the obligatory espresso?

Moments of pleasure that you never want to end...

As dusk falls, the aperitif bars, pubs and wine bars fill up again. We have no recommendations here – just taking a look inside should be enough! You may regret not trying a Veneziano or Hugo aperitif, even if you then move onto an original drink from Bozen – beer (yes, there are beer breweries in Bozen!), or wine from the sloping vineyards that have been hanging around us all day - the luminous orange glass and the drink with the fresh mint in it are a must. Just for the sake of giving one tip – wonderful small concerts often take place at chic Parkhotel Laurin. And where's a good place to eat? You'd better ask a local. Or two. Or three. So that you can decide whether to plump for typical South Tyrol fare, an 'Italian' restaurant, or a pizza, in a memorable place like Nussbaumer, for example.

Bozen by night

Some people grumble, while others party. Nightlife in Bozen is a little ambivalent. Sometimes it's really quiet and there seems to be nothing going on, while other times there's event after event taking place. There is live music here if you make the effort to find out where. The Bozen scene is not in your face, but still there! You can go clubbing in Bozen, too, but not all the time. Regular concerts are held in summer, not to mention large events! No, it's not time to go to bed yet. Bozen – in 24 hours! Just as the title promises!

And you can have a look for private accommodation in South Tyrol here
Top tips for spring walks in the South of South Tyrol
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12. March 2015
Ortswies-Days. Above the rooftops of the spa town of Merano!
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Südtirol Privat
Schlachthofstraße 59
39100 Bozen - South Tyrol
+39 0471 981939
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