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Südtiroler Privatvermieter
Stories from the whole South Tyrol
Quanto bene conoscete l’Alto Adige? Le tradizioni, la storia e gli usi e costumi di ogni sua valle? Se a queste domande scuotete la testa, allora siete finiti sulla pagina giusta. In questo blog vogliamo condividere con voi esperienze, eventi e particolarità del nostro amato territorio, i punti panoramici più belli da cui ammirare il tramonto, le migliori ricette di ogni singola valle (le calorie non si contano!) e le attività più entusiasmanti. E molto, molto di più. Partite per un viaggio virtuale attraverso l’Alto Adige!
Susanne comes through the gate and I sense that I have finally, truly arrived – at the Moar Lodge in Burgstall. My sunny apartment is located on the east-facing hillside - although the term apartment is rather “underdressed” for what I see before me. The luxurious rooms are - to put it mildly - fantastic! There are large glass façades, a harmonious colour concept, with a clever touch of design here and there. I stand barefoot on a cowhide rug in an apartment that is over 70 m² in size. All of the wooden elements are in “old spruce”, radiating a uniquely warm atmosphere. The wooden furniture, all straight lines, is flush with the joint-free flooring. “You can see the craftsmanship”, says Susanne. “Who designed all this? The planning alone must have cost you a fortune!” "Yes, a fortune in time – I did it myself!” laughs Susanne. Yes, you heard right. She did everything herself, from the building sketch to the design of the gravel paths through the garden. But first things first.

Hair today, gone tomorrow

Over a glass of her own “Moarhof” wine on the terrace, Susanne tells me how she built up the Moar Lodge. She was for a long time in fact a hair stylist, with three salons across the region. “But with each baby - three boys - I gave up one salon, as I just didn’t have the time.” Then she had the idea of renting out private rooms and, in typical style, she soon had a very specific idea of the Moar Lodge. Susanne then passed on her sketches to a technical specialist with a request to draw up the appropriate plans. And thus, step by step, her vision became reality.

An all-round talent

But merely drawing up the plans was not enough for Susanne: she got involved in the work itself. “These stone slabs that you see on the wall were chosen by me personally from a nearby quarry and transported here.” Yes, that is what happened. The gravel paths in the garden from the playground to the swimming pool and the various peaceful areas were also created by Susanne with her shovel and wheelbarrow; she also chose the colour schemes for the apartments. Yet she does not read design magazines, nor does she draw on any particular designer templates: she simply has her own clear vision as a basis. “My preference is for earth tones, browns and natural tones from dark to light.”

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Designer apartments, a peaceful garden and candlelit evenings

In addition to a southwest-facing balcony, each apartment also has a private space in the garden with an inviting seating area where guests can sip a glass of Moarhof wine. Those with children can also rest assured as they relax, as the playground is in full view next to the lovingly planted flowers and shady trees. Fresh herbs thrive in old wooden boxes, and guests are welcome to help themselves. Individual lanterns can turn summer evenings in Burgstall into candlelit events. “Time constraints mean that I order a lot of decorative items online and have them delivered, which works perfectly,” says Susanne.

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A one-woman show

“How many staff do you need here?” I ask. The answer comes with a mischievous grin and is, well, unsurprising: “One servant - myself.” Susanne is receptionist, maid and room service all in one, in addition to her “full-time job” as the mother of three children.
“I simply love doing it”, she beams. “I planned everything from the very start and I could not really imagine anything otherwise. My husband has his own business - and the Moar Lodge is mine”, she laughs. “Here I can do everything the way I want it.”


If I were to take a leaf out of anyone’s book, it would be Susanne’s. And her apartments are just as impressive as the hostess herself. The Moar Lodge is a truly wonderful place to stay – so come and see for yourself! Meanwhile, as far as I am concerned, it simply means switching to relax mode!
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Südtirol Privat
Schlachthofstraße 59
39100 Bozen - South Tyrol
+39 0471 981939
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