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Stories from the whole South Tyrol
Quanto bene conoscete l’Alto Adige? Le tradizioni, la storia e gli usi e costumi di ogni sua valle? Se a queste domande scuotete la testa, allora siete finiti sulla pagina giusta. In questo blog vogliamo condividere con voi esperienze, eventi e particolarità del nostro amato territorio, i punti panoramici più belli da cui ammirare il tramonto, le migliori ricette di ogni singola valle (le calorie non si contano!) e le attività più entusiasmanti. E molto, molto di più. Partite per un viaggio virtuale attraverso l’Alto Adige!
Autumm in South Tyrol really scores highly on the prettiness front: with mild temperatures, golden sun-lit mountains, colourful scenery and culinary delights. Valle Isarco manages to do it all in one! We have ten tips for your holiday in Valle Isarco that will turn autumn into your favourite season in South Tyrol!

#1 Törggelen – culinary treats, a traditional must!

'Törggelen' is a clear favourite when it comes to autumn in Valle Isarco. This age-old tradition combining hearty farmhouse fare, wine practically straight off the vines and roasted chestnuts, or 'Keschtn', with the cosy atmosphere of a mountain inn!

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#2 A different kind of feast

Just like 'Knödel' dumplings and wine, a sociable get-together is part and parcel of 'Törggelen' culture! Evenings spent doing a spot of 'Törggelen' usually take place in farm bars and rustic inns – but not only: Gassltörggelen takes place every year in Chiusa-Klausen, when autumn culinary fare can be savoured in good company in this pretty artists' town!

#3 Getting creative with chestnuts

It is the star of autumn in Valle Isarco: the chestnut! Its protective brown case reveals a tasty core. Chestnuts are very versatile – and the locals of Valle Isarco very creative! During 'Kastanienwochen', or Chestnut Weeks, 16 inns and restaurants concentrate their culinary skills on the chestnut – with convincingly tasty results!

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#4 From the vine to the glass

Wine is not always wine! In the form of the 'Suser' or 'Nuier', it plays a role in the 'Törggelen' tradition. Originally, tasting freshly-processed grapes was the actual focus of the tradition! 'Suser' grape must with maximum 1% alcohol content is the first to be tasted. At the end of October, the 'Nuien' wine is ready to be tried, which is a little more similar to the end product, containing around 7% alcohol. Anyone finding themselves in Valle Isarco in autumn should not miss out on a tasting session of the new wine!


#5 Crowning glory

With all the fuss about chestnuts and wine, other autumnal fruits really have to try hard to get a look-in. The locals of Valle Isarco celebrate another star of the autumn harvest – the apple. At the 'Apfelfest', or Apple Festival, in Naz-Sciaves-Natz-Schabs, there are not just sweet treats to be enjoyed, but the coronation of the new Apple Queen: with decorated floats and to the tunes of the 'Musikkapelle', just as it should be!

#6 For lovers of damsons

One fruit is still missing from the list of Valle Isarco delicacies: the damson, known as the 'Zwetschge' around these parts. This is particularly appreciated in Barbian during the 'Barbianer Zwetschgenwochen', or Barbiano-Barbian Damson Weeks! It forms the basis of dishes served at lots of restaurants and eateries. The damson in its many guises: very tasty!

#7 The fascination of town life

Though food may be the focus of autumn in Valle Isarco, there are other cultural highlights lending the valley a lively charm. These are the three towns found in Valle Isarco, of course! Each has its own special features – all worth a trip. The merchant town of Vipiteno-Sterzing features an intriguing style ranging from the medieval to the modern, Bressanone-Brixen is popular for its 'Hofburg', or Bishop's Palace, and cathedral, whereas Chiusa-Klausen is a delight with its artistic atmosphere. Which will be your favourite?

#8 Combining hiking with culinary fare

Ok, so now we're coming back to chestnuts again. But not in the culinary sense, but more the context of culture, activities and landscape. Autumn is perfect for hiking. The 'Keschtnweg' chestnut-themed path is a particularly well-loved walk. The path leads from Neustift Abbey across the Ritten high plateau to the picture-book castle of Runkelstein in Bolzano-Bozen, where South Tyrolean culture reveals its artistic and mystical side!

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#9 More cultural trails

And a few more options for excursions in the name of culture. Several wine hiking paths focus on all aspects of fine wine. There is a 'Törggelesteig' path, too!


#10 Enjoyable glimpses of autumn

You now know what autumn in Valle Isarco has in store in terms of tastes. But you should also have the chance to enjoy its colours, heartwarming charm and wonderful views. Autumn is fantastic for doing that! And a few paths, destinations and mountain peaks are particularly good for enjoying autumn up close. Your private host in Valle Isarco will definitely have a few insider tips in store for you!
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