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Südtiroler Privatvermieter
Stories from the whole South Tyrol
Quanto bene conoscete l’Alto Adige? Le tradizioni, la storia e gli usi e costumi di ogni sua valle? Se a queste domande scuotete la testa, allora siete finiti sulla pagina giusta. In questo blog vogliamo condividere con voi esperienze, eventi e particolarità del nostro amato territorio, i punti panoramici più belli da cui ammirare il tramonto, le migliori ricette di ogni singola valle (le calorie non si contano!) e le attività più entusiasmanti. E molto, molto di più. Partite per un viaggio virtuale attraverso l’Alto Adige!
Hiking is most definitely the favourite activity of all South Tyroleans and vacationers in South Tyrol. And swimming is obviously the must-do of summer! So why not combine them? We set out on a tour to the Ulten valley: to the “Weißbrunn”, “Grünsee”, “Langsee” and “Fischersee” mountain lakes. A wonder-wanderful hike including some fresh mountain cooling, unspoiled nature and authentic experiences!

2 min.
The top of the steeple – still in view
Last but not least, the idyllic outdoor setting of the Reschensee Lake: its part-submerged church tower, surrounded by bright green waters and imposing mountains, is one of South Tyrol’s most photographed attractions. Our sixth lake portrait tells ...
09. November 2022 by Sabine
Like a golden ribbon – the South Tyrol Chestnut Trail
Step by step by step. Walking without any great effort, but in a constant manner. Your own breathing starts to match the rhythm of your steps and movements, landscapes, colours merge together to become sensations. Even the path seems to make its way ...
16. October 2015
2 min.
For those who just can’t get enough of skiing
Goodbye winter? Nah! Here’s where you can keep on skiing. Skiing in the kingdom of King Ortles/Ortler Do you know this feeling? When everybody is talking about how wonderful spring is, with the blossoming almond trees and magnolias, the chirping ...
04. April 2024 by Südtirol Privat
Südtirol Privat
Schlachthofstraße 59
39100 Bozen - South Tyrol
+39 0471 981939
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