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Südtiroler Privatvermieter
Stories from the whole South Tyrol
Quanto bene conoscete l’Alto Adige? Le tradizioni, la storia e gli usi e costumi di ogni sua valle? Se a queste domande scuotete la testa, allora siete finiti sulla pagina giusta. In questo blog vogliamo condividere con voi esperienze, eventi e particolarità del nostro amato territorio, i punti panoramici più belli da cui ammirare il tramonto, le migliori ricette di ogni singola valle (le calorie non si contano!) e le attività più entusiasmanti. E molto, molto di più. Partite per un viaggio virtuale attraverso l’Alto Adige!
Up to the Vigiljoch mountain with the cable car and even further up with the chairlift: after a family-friendly hike you’ll reach the Gampl Alm hut, where there is plenty of adventure and culinary bliss waiting for you!

South Tyrol is simply perfect for families – and the family specialists among the private hosts have lots of wonderful insider tips for you. You’ll be amazed

24 hours in Bozen – full immersion in the capital of South Tyrol! (2/2)
Tips for the second half of the day Missed the first part of our Bozen tips? Just click here! Fodder for photographers – one of the many green sides of Bozen Sated by wonderful first impressions and a delicious midday meal, it's time for a summer ...
16. June 2015
How to do “törggelen”
Who thinks that „törggelen“ is a culinary amusement, which is held in autumn in South Tyrol, where you can easily arrive and leave by taxi or bus, is completely mistaken. It works like this: For those who don’t know „törggelen“ is well defined as ...
26. February 2015
Springtime in Meran
We South Tyroleans are surrounded by mountains every day. We drive down them, through them, hike all over them, and live them. For a lot of us, every day, whilst others do so as often as they can. If you think that South Tyroleans find their ...
11. March 2016
Südtirol Privat
Schlachthofstraße 59
39100 Bozen - South Tyrol
+39 0471 981939
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