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Südtiroler Privatvermieter
Stories from the whole South Tyrol
Quanto bene conoscete l’Alto Adige? Le tradizioni, la storia e gli usi e costumi di ogni sua valle? Se a queste domande scuotete la testa, allora siete finiti sulla pagina giusta. In questo blog vogliamo condividere con voi esperienze, eventi e particolarità del nostro amato territorio, i punti panoramici più belli da cui ammirare il tramonto, le migliori ricette di ogni singola valle (le calorie non si contano!) e le attività più entusiasmanti. E molto, molto di più. Partite per un viaggio virtuale attraverso l’Alto Adige!
The House Obermais lies completely hidden away in the greenery of the most beautiful part of Meran. Blogger Sabine received the best autumn tips from private host Irmgard Schleuniger and took a look around the farmers’ market with her.

The great tastes of autumn!

Yes, that time of year is here again: As soon as the sun goes down or hides behind the clouds, I catch myself rubbing my arms with my hands, and I no longer leave the house without a thin jacket. But I actually really like this season, when summer shakes autumn by the hand and they proceed hand in hand for a while.

Somewhere in Obermais…
Today it is the hand of a friendly, welcoming private host that I am shaking, namely that of Frau Irmgard Schleuniger of the Haus Obermais, after she has helped out my sat-nav device over the phone. “Our place is a bit difficult to find, but on the other hand we are not in the city with all its hustle and bustle”, she laughs after we have made ourselves comfortable at a table by her pool. Not right in the midst of the action, but close enough to be able to comfortably reach the city centre in a few minutes on foot. I can well imagine that Frau Schleuniger’s guests appreciate this fact and will immediately take to the idea of being somewhat hidden away between the bushes and trees along the River Passer.

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The natural surroundings are still marked by summer, but in my mind’s eye I can already see the yellow, orange and red leaves that will soon be glowing each morning in the autumn sunshine. “Our house is a good starting point for walks, for example along the Passer. You can get as far as St. Leonhard in Passeier on foot or by bike with this path! From here you are also soon at the Maiser Waalweg [ancient irrigation channel] or the Gilf promenade, which leads to the Tappeiner trail or the Zenoburg and the Powder Tower. Leisurely excursions like this are a delight, especially in autumn.” The Zenoburg... I have been looking at it all the time while talking to Frau Schleuniger. “Of course I always recommend my guests to visit the Gardens of Trauttmansdorff Castle. Many people think that they are only beautiful in springtime, when everything is in bloom, but in autumn too – perhaps especially then – you can sense a very special atmosphere! You should definitely treat yourself to a guided tour while you are there: you learn lots more interesting facts and also hear about the background, making it even more appealing!”

Autumn longings
Since 2016, Irmgard Schleuniger has been welcoming mostly German and Italian guests to her new apartments almost the whole year round. “From January to March it’s a bit quieter,” she smiles, letting me look into one of the four modern apartments. “We used to do bed and breakfast, but since it was all converted our guests now cater for themselves. Many like to go shopping at the little farmers’ market and then conjure up their own meals here.” I can understand that buying regional, fresh and natural products at a local farmers’ market is of course a special South Tyrolean experience for Frau Schleuniger’s guests. I myself enjoy going to such a market every week and I can hardly wait to make a short visit to the one in Obermais.
“Whenever I have time, I go to the farmers’ market,” Frau Schleuniger tells me as we walk to the Brunnenplatz. We chat a little about the culinary delicacies available in the autumn, such as chestnut hearts, the specialities for törggelen (new wine tasting), apple strudel, fritters with chestnut filling and the like. “Mmm ... I’m getting quite hungry! :D And, while we are on the subject of food, I ask Frau Schleuniger which of the restaurants in Obermais she would recommend to her guests. “Without doubt the Mösl <>. They not only do the most enormous pizzas, but also offer good cooking and a comfortable beer garden where you can bring a beautiful autumn day to a close.”

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When the farmers come to town...
The Brunnenplatz is not very large, and the Obermais farmers’ market is accordingly limited in scope, but that doesn’t matter, because the few who set out their stalls here week in and week out offer customers plenty by way of tasty delicacies that appeal to palate and eye alike. Here, too, summer and autumn can be seen together hand-in-hand in wooden crates and baskets, where we can feast our eyes on colourful flowers, fresh salads, various vegetables, fruits and cheese specialties... in fact, we can’t get enough of them! :D The first apples and last plums of the harvest can also be found here, as well as apple juice, fresh plum tarts and much more besides... the natural world of South Tyrol fresh from the market – what more could you want!? :D Admire, taste and of course buy – it’s hard to leave with empty hands! We stroll around the market like all the other visitors and breathe in the lively market atmosphere. Because South Tyrol’s vigorous way of life is present here not simply as culinary delights, but also in the shape of the local people.

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Would you like to find out more about Irmgard Schleuniger and the Haus Obermais? Then take a look here!

With heartfelt greetings, Sabine

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Südtirol Privat
Schlachthofstraße 59
39100 Bozen - South Tyrol
+39 0471 981939
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