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Stories from the whole South Tyrol
Quanto bene conoscete l’Alto Adige? Le tradizioni, la storia e gli usi e costumi di ogni sua valle? Se a queste domande scuotete la testa, allora siete finiti sulla pagina giusta. In questo blog vogliamo condividere con voi esperienze, eventi e particolarità del nostro amato territorio, i punti panoramici più belli da cui ammirare il tramonto, le migliori ricette di ogni singola valle (le calorie non si contano!) e le attività più entusiasmanti. E molto, molto di più. Partite per un viaggio virtuale attraverso l’Alto Adige!
Wake up! Spring is here! And with it all the ways to explore and experience South Tyrol, something that is particularly special now that the weather is getting warmer. Sabine will tell you exactly why in this blog post!

Five reasons why a springtime holiday in South Tyrol is so special!
Nowhere else can you smell, see and feel spring as you can in South Tyrol. Especially in South Tyrol’s south, but also around Meran – fine is truly the word! :-)

1. The best is here – and the best is to come!
Probably because spring and winter have been rubbing shoulders for quite a while now: while nature is awakening in the valleys, the mountains are still in their winter dress. There’s something about being out and about one day among the snow and glaciers, then spending the next day in a T-shirt amidst the blossoming scenery. Speaking of flowers, these are the next good reason for enjoying a spring break here. Because in South Tyrol, you are sure to experience...


2. A riot of flowers
The Alpine pastures are in bloom, it is blossoming along the valley streams, there are blooms around the castles and the fruit trees are in flower: the months of March, April and May see South Tyrol transformed into a sea of flowers! Nor is the word “sea” an exaggeration: for example, the crocus blossom around the villages of Jenesien and Mölten or – at the very beginning of spring – in the aptly named Frühlingstalele (“Spring Valley”) between Eppan and Kaltern. In the Überetsch and Unterland regions, however, everywhere is in bloom, with the apple blossom covering the orchards in a fragrant coat of white and pink. South Tyrol’s cities too are taking on fresh colour, with Meran in particular living up to its name as a green spa town. A walk along the Tappeiner Promenade is a must in the spring months! Or what about a visit to the wonderful Gardens of Trauttmansdorff Castle? There you will find spring fragrances galore! :-)

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3. Take a walk on the Waal side!
And, speaking of castles: forts and palaces make excellent hiking destinations in spring! Especially as it is often far too hot in summer for the walks between the many castles here. There are also the paths along the Waale, the ancient irrigation channels, that are ideal for the first, leisurely hikes out in the sun – especially around Meran and in the Vinschgau Valley. Take in the delights of the blossoming landscape as you stroll along a cheerful, babbling waal... this for me is the pure essence of springtime! :-)
And another tip: the waterfall at Partschins! While the snow is melting, some 10,000 litres of water thunder into the depths – simply spectacular!

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4. Spring – into the saddle!
In recent years South Tyrol has become an Eldorado for cyclists of all kinds! No wonder, given the endless variety and possibilities to be found here. It doesn’t matter if you want to improve your performance, if you are looking for action or you just want to enjoy some e-biking : there are varied and challenging bike trails, winding and steep pass roads as well as leisurely cycleways on the plains, such as in the Etsch Valley or in the Unterland region – in fact, something for everyone!


5. A taste of spring
It is not just the snowdrops and primroses that are coming to life, but also the vegetable gardens! Our farmers have plenty for you to discover, taste and enjoy: in many parts of South Tyrol the asparagus is appearing (and being celebrated, especially in the asparagus village of Terlan!), while the stalls of the weekly farmers’ markets are neatly filled with spring lettuce, cress, chard, radishes, sprouts, spinach, kohlrabi and more besides. You won’t just want to stroll through, but rather take home some of the healthy produce with you!


So can you already smell, see and taste spring in South Tyrol? ;-)
Yours from the heart, Sabine!
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