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Stories from the whole South Tyrol
Quanto bene conoscete l’Alto Adige? Le tradizioni, la storia e gli usi e costumi di ogni sua valle? Se a queste domande scuotete la testa, allora siete finiti sulla pagina giusta. In questo blog vogliamo condividere con voi esperienze, eventi e particolarità del nostro amato territorio, i punti panoramici più belli da cui ammirare il tramonto, le migliori ricette di ogni singola valle (le calorie non si contano!) e le attività più entusiasmanti. E molto, molto di più. Partite per un viaggio virtuale attraverso l’Alto Adige!
Diving into lakes, soaking up the mountain summer, savouring city life, sporting action or the cuisine of different cultures: Sabine knows all the best reasons for spending a summer holiday in South Tyrol – and tells all in this article!

… and why you should definitely sample it!

Summer in South Tyrol is just around the corner once again! And this year it is probably something that we’ve waited to sea – sorry, see – for a long time now. :-) Okay, perhaps we can’t offer the seaside in this part of the world, but we have mountain peaks that soar skywards, not to mention valleys that are as different as the people who live there, as well as traditional farms and thriving cities, various languages, delicious dishes and a vibrant aperitivo culture. And, as the saying goes: “Once I’ve seen the lake, I don’t need to see the sea.” ;-) Which brings us to the first reason why a summer holiday in South Tyrol is such a good idea:

Here you can... take the plunge!

Temperatures can reach 38 degrees Celsius during particularly hot summer months in South Tyrol. So it’s just as well that there are so many ways to cool off, with any number of crystal-clear mountain lakes, picturesque bathing lakes and reservoirs – relaxation and refreshment guaranteed! The most popular bathing lakes are Lake Kaltern and the Montiggl Lakes in the Unterland region, the Fennberger Lake in the Unterland, the Wolfsgruben Lake on the Ritten plateau and two small lakes, the Völser Weiher and the Issinger Weiher. But the mountain lakes, such as the Karer Lake, the Antholzer Lake or the famous Pragser Wildsee are also popular excursion destinations in summer. Who dares to dip a toe into the chill water? ;-) Find out more on how to cool off in our summer blog article!

Did you know that Lake Kaltern is the warmest bathing lake in the Alps? Water temperatures can reach 28 degrees Celsius in summer!

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Here you can... take it to the top!
The best part of hiking in South Tyrol is that there is something for every taste and hiking ability! I personally always like to make the best of it in summer – after all, I want to fully enjoy living in the midst of the Dolomites, a World Natural Heritage site. And anyone who has ever conquered a peak knows the indescribable feeling of freedom this brings. Whether you are in the legendary Dolomites of the Eggen Valley, on the imposing glaciers of the Schnalstal Valley or at one of the impressive summits of the Puez-Geisler group – if you want to take spectacular photos, you definitely have to... aim high!

Did you know that the beautiful Seiser Alm in the Schlern-Rosengarten Nature Park is Europe’s largest alpine pasture, covering 57 km2? Or that the Schnalstal Valley glaciers have often served as the backdrop to major film productions? The Hollywood blockbuster “Everest” and the atmospheric western drama “The Dark Valley” were both filmed here.


Here you can... enjoy the best of both worlds!
On the menu here can be found both speck dumplings and linguine al pesto, with Aperol spritz and multifaceted South Tyrolean white wines: South Tyrol is where, from a culinary point of view, the best of Italy and the Tyrol come together! The way of life too is a wonderful blend of both cultures – more in some valleys, in others a little less, but nonetheless everywhere to be found. So, when the balmy summer evenings invite you to spend a little longer outside and the aroma of pizza hangs in the narrow streets of the local towns and villages, this famed Alpine-Mediterranean feeling can be sensed right to the tips of your toes.

Did you know that South Tyrol currently boasts around 20 Michelin stars? This makes South Tyrol Italy’s third-ranked region for outstanding restaurants!


Here you can... have no end of fun!
While South Tyrol is of course a land for those of refined tastes, I for my part also need a certain amount of action and adventure to challenge myself. Thrill-seekers and adrenalin junkies will surely get their money’s worth here – ziplines, white-water rafting, high-ropes courses, kitesurfing, bike trail parks, summer toboggan runs and tandem flights are just a few of the activities that are great fun and perhaps require more than a little nerve – even from me! :-) But they are also sure to be remembered for a long time to come!

Did you know that the Alpine Bob at Meran 2000 is Italy’s longest toboggan run? Starting at an altitude of 1,900 metres above sea level, it runs for 1.1 km downhill – up to 12 metres above the ground!

Here you can... explore, shop and stroll!
Had enough of hiking and swimming? Fancy a little urban chic? Well then, it’s off to the city! But which one? South Tyrol’s cities all have their own unique character and should therefore be on the programme for any holiday spent here. Bozen, the provincial capital, and the spa town of Meran are of course always especially popular: but Brixen and Bruneck and the smaller towns of Glurns and Klausen are also perfect for strolling and sightseeing. Nor do the cities of our little land lack anything in terms of the “wow” factor when it comes to culture and architecture.

Did you know that, with 900 inhabitants, Glurns is the smallest city in the southern Alpine region? Or that Bozen is home to Europe’s first trilingual university? Courses there are held in German, Italian and English!

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South Tyrol is truly a land of diversity and superlatives – and is just waiting to be discovered (or rediscovered) by you ;-))) ! So what are you most looking forward to?!

Yours from the heart, Sabine
Magical places in South Tyrol – may the force grip you!
Inhaling the purest nature. Wonderfully positive energy flowing into every cell of your body. And suddenly you find yourself alone, hand in hand with Mother Earth. Do you have an idea about what I'm referring to? Quite possibly nature's best ...
27. February 2017
Frida and the bees
Time for a massage: extra sweet! Frida and Hubert Oberhammer's holiday house looks as if it has been lifted straight out of a fairytale. Extensive meadows stretch out in front of it and there is forest nearby, too. It is situated right in the middle ...
02. November 2017
Of strong women, cold feet and warm hearts
I’m sitting across Rosa and Ulrike in their cosy snug, calmly stirring my afternoon coffee. A little chat is simply part of the fun when I’m on holiday. My gaze wanders out of the window from time to time. While the lovely view of the Latemar ...
10. October 2018
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