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Quanto bene conoscete l’Alto Adige? Le tradizioni, la storia e gli usi e costumi di ogni sua valle? Se a queste domande scuotete la testa, allora siete finiti sulla pagina giusta. In questo blog vogliamo condividere con voi esperienze, eventi e particolarità del nostro amato territorio, i punti panoramici più belli da cui ammirare il tramonto, le migliori ricette di ogni singola valle (le calorie non si contano!) e le attività più entusiasmanti. E molto, molto di più. Partite per un viaggio virtuale attraverso l’Alto Adige!
It’s the colours, it’s the atmosphere, it’s the visibility, it’s the culinary delights: in our latest blog post, blogger Sabine tells you why you shouldn’t miss autumn in South Tyrol under any circumstances!

Five reasons why you should absolutely spend an autumn holiday in South Tyrol

The views are clearer, the colours brighter, the mountain and valley landscapes of South Tyrol become more colourful: autumn marks the beginning of a particularly lovely time in South Tyrol! The sun is a little lower in the sky as it bathes mountains, lakes and apple trees in a unique, clear light that can only be seen at this time of year. And, because I can think of so many aspects of autumn in South Tyrol that should on no account be missed, I have put together my top five for you!

1. Autumn – alias Indian summer
If you take it as it is, autumn in South Tyrol is really an extension of summer – just more colourful! Wandering through the local woods is a “wonderful” experience, especially at the end of October: the leaves of the chestnut groves gleam under the warm rays of the sun, while the needles of the larch trees sparkle like gold. You can breathe in the scents of late summer and stroll among chestnut trees and their prickly husks, while the first of the falling leaves rustle gently underfoot: there is both a touch of magic and a touch of melancholy that summer is now over – and above all an intense feeling of autumn, South Tyrolean style. :-)

2. The best places to savour autumn in South Tyrol
Of course, the Eisack Valley is one of the leading autumn destinations, and is the birthplace of törggelen, that typical seasonal tradition of South Tyrol. But other valleys and villages too offer plenty to enjoy in autumn: in the Etsch and Vinschgau valleys, for example. My top three leisurely autumn walks outside of the Eisack Valley? Read on:
1. From Gaid, a village above Eppan, to Sirmian via the so-called “Höllenschlucht” (the Ravine of Hell!) – a scenically varied hike that also passes through gleaming larch forests.
2. Hiking on the Sonnenberg along the Vinschgau High-Level Way – particularly recommended in autumn when it is not so hot!
3. From Vöran to Hafling – a leisurely hike over a landscape that is a riot of colours!

3. Time for törggelen!
If you’ve done it before, you’ll love it: if you’ve never done it before, you should definitely try it – and especially this autumn! We’re talking about törggelen! With sauerkraut and salted pork, ribs and sausages, dumplings, chestnuts and fritters, törggelen truly offers a feast. There is grape must or very young red wine to quench the thirst, while an autumn walk to a törggelen establishment is all part of the fun: these delicacies have to be earned, after all. :-) But one thing is for sure: in South Tyrol, autumn and the old traditions go together like Reinhold Messner and the mountains. And, speaking of mountains:

4. The best prospects
Embarking on a mountain tour (or two) is definitely a good idea at this time of year! Conquering a summit in autumn lets you take the year’s best hiking photos. :-) The world at your feet blazes with colour, the views are at their clearest, while the mountains are literally at their most approachable. Nor is it quite as hot as on a hiking tour in the summertime – an additional motivation to climb to the summit cross! ;-) South Tyrol’s mountains are the best place to experience autumn in close up!

5. Cities, markets and festivals
If you are more of a fan of urban pleasures, a visit to the cities of South Tyrol in the autumn is a must. Bozen, Meran, Glurns, Brixen, or perhaps Bruneck? No matter which city you choose to stroll through, there’s something to experience and admire at every turn! A particular highlight is without doubt the farmers’ markets, offering seasonal products and delicacies. There are festivals to celebrate törggelen, wine and autumn itself, all with the typical South Tyrolean autumn vibes – definitely not to be missed! :-)

Enjoy South Tyrol’s magical, golden autumn to the full with each and every one of your senses – and let our private landlords offer you a few valuable tips!

Yours from the heart, Sabine
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