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Side by side, through thin and thick... and on the shelf of many bakeries. Try the delicious Ur-Paarl bread from Val Venosta/Vinschgau.

Two is better than one!

They’re an absolute dream team, and can’t do without each other. They make others happy, simply by staying side by side in South Tyrolean bakeries. We’re talking about the Ur-Paarl bread from Val Venosta/Vinschgau: the tasty sourdough bread couple. Have you ever tasted it?

The art of bread baking in Val Venosta/Vinschgau

The Ur-Paarl bread from Val Venosta/Vinschgau is the oldest version of the traditional sourdough couple bread. In fact, records show that it was first baked in the 13th century, in the Marienberg abbey. At that time, it was particularly important to make products that could be kept for a long time (especially over the long winter months), and Val Venosta/Vinschgau bread was one of the favourites due to its high rye content. In general, the so-called “Vinschgerle” is a palm-sized flatbread, about 2-3cm thick, which is baked in pairs, to make the popular double loaf. It’s made from sourdough and consists of 70% rye flour mixed with wholemeal wheat and spelt flour. Cumin, fennel, and bread clover give it its typical flavour.

One of the 6 slow-food presidia in South Tyrol

“Presi-what?!”, you might think. The Ur-Paarl bread from Val Venosta/Vinschgau is one of the 6 South Tyrolean slow-food presidia. Slow Food is a non-profit organisation that advocates the preservation of traditional quality products, regional culinary traditions, and artisan food producers. Besides the Ur-Paarl bread from Val Venosta/Vinschgau, other slow-food presidia are: Valle Aurina/Ahrntal grey cheese, Tyrolean grey cattle, Altreier lupin coffee, Funes/Villnöss spectacle-wearing sheep, and the Val Senales/Schnals transhumance sheep.

Ideas for recipes with the Url-Paarl

What could you prepare with a “Vinschgerle”? It surely is an unmissable element of the South Tyrolean Marende (afternoon snack). Finely sliced, it’s the perfect base for herb cream cheese, smoked sausages, and bacon or - for those who like it sweet - for butter and jam.
If some of the Vinschgerle is left over and becomes hard, the people of Val Venosta/Vinschgau often use it to make the so-called Lottensuppe: a typical poor people’s soup with meat or bacon and some hard, crumbled bread.
The Ur-Paarl is also often served at weddings, as its paired shape symbolises the union of the bride and groom. Try the Vinschgerle for yourself and taste the tradition!

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