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Südtiroler Privatvermieter
Stories from the whole South Tyrol
Quanto bene conoscete l’Alto Adige? Le tradizioni, la storia e gli usi e costumi di ogni sua valle? Se a queste domande scuotete la testa, allora siete finiti sulla pagina giusta. In questo blog vogliamo condividere con voi esperienze, eventi e particolarità del nostro amato territorio, i punti panoramici più belli da cui ammirare il tramonto, le migliori ricette di ogni singola valle (le calorie non si contano!) e le attività più entusiasmanti. E molto, molto di più. Partite per un viaggio virtuale attraverso l’Alto Adige!
Do you sometimes feel like doing nothing in autumn? Do you prefer to look at the landscape from the inside and avoid the cold? In the rooms and apartments of südtirol privat you can enjoy your time indoor to the full. Here’s how.

Do you feel the November blues? We’ve got the cure!

Thick wafts of mist drift past outside the window. Here and there, a red-leaved tree peeks out before disappearing again under the white blanket. Even the sun has a hard time, occasionally appearing as a small, bright ball behind the clouds. An incredible peace and quiet lingers over the landscape. Sounds pretty mystical, this November atmosphere in South Tyrol, doesn’t it? If you prefer to enjoy this view from the cosy warmth and comfort of your living room, südtirol privat is the right place for you.

The best games for cold November days

Children love walking through the colourful autumn nature, picking up chestnuts and then crafting something with them, stomping through ankle-high leaves and listening to them crunch under their shoes. But what to do when the weather refuses to co-operate and it's cold, wet, and unpleasant outside? We’ve collected 5 must-play for you:
Man, don’t get angry (in German Mensch ärgere dich nicht): especially fun with the whole family, because there’s always someone who gets angry or annoyed (to the amusement of the others).
UNO: the classic card game that even children can easily follow. If you want to add some spice to the game or play with older children, you can also turn it into Speed UNO with a double deck of cards.
Kniffel: a German dice game that keeps the grey matter working even on holiday. It’s not just about having luck with the dice, but also about thinking carefully about your next moves.
Activity: it promises an amusing evening with the whole extended family or with your friends. Drawing, paraphrasing, and pantomiming also brings people together and makes everyone laugh.
Exploding Kittens: this exciting strategy game is perfect for small groups or couples who want to make each other “explode”.

Indoor fun for the whole family

Board and card games aren’t the only fun activity for November days. If you’re spending your holiday in South Tyrol with the whole family, we have a few indoor activities for you that you should definitely try out.
Bake your favourite cake: every family member is responsible for a task: breaking eggs, mixing ingredients, supervising the oven, or whatever. When everyone is involved, the result tastes so much better!
Organise a home movie night: if you have a laptop or tablet with a streaming provider, you can simply set up a movie night, including popcorn, soft drinks, and sweets! If you like it cosy, build a pillow and blanket cave and watch your favourite film there.
Challenge yourselves to a drawing competition: decide on a theme, or even elements, that should appear in your drawings. Each family member then finds an undisturbed spot and starts drawing, following the guidelines. Afterwards, look at your artwork together and analyse how well the theme has been implemented.
Decorations made of natural materials: sure, you have to get out into nature first. But it’s so much fun if each family member helps collect the things you need for your artwork. Flowers, leaves, chestnuts, branches ... let your imagination run wild!


Are you starting to appreciate the November weather?

There are so many different activities that you can try out indoors. But sometimes it’s also incredibly pleasant to go outside and take a walk, because there’s something mystical and calming about those wafts of mist. All you have to do is overcome your laziness and take the first step outside. The rest will happen all by itself and you might end up with a cup of hot chocolate or tea!

Glowing wooden disks; burning witches
Something curious takes place in the Upper Vinschgau valley on the first Sunday in Lent. Men and boys brave the cold and, armed with branches, wooden disks and rope, meet on a hill in the village. They wait expectantly for nightfall so that they can ...
10. February 2016
Of adventures and wild men
The weather for our last-but-one day in Eppan was clear - as clear as the fact that we both would be out and about. My husband had decided for a challenging bike tour of the Mendel and Gampen passes - and I had no wish to stand in his way, as I had ...
05. September 2018
The original bathing cult, or ‘before wellness’
Anyone who has driven through the odd valley in South Tyrol is sure to have noticed the description 'Bad' or 'Badl' written in front of or after the name of guesthouses, inns or restaurants in some places. This indicates an old health spa, and in ...
19. February 2016
Südtirol Privat
Schlachthofstraße 59
39100 Bozen - South Tyrol
+39 0471 981939
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