South Tyrol to your heart's content
Holidaymakers' hearts beat for South Tyrol!
No matter what you fancy doing on holiday, you'll find the perfect spot for relaxing as well as mountains of excitement in South Tyrol!
Thousand-metre-high mountains touch the sky with their peaks, while apple orchards and sloping vineyards deck the valleys. Castles and fortresses rise up out of dense forest or perch on rocky precipices. Lakes nestle amidst the landscape, some turquoise blue, some deepest green or silky black. Colourful wild mountain flowers drape themselves over pastures like a veil. Cattle graze on a carpet of grass. The tops of deciduous trees, resembling cotton wool, are dipped in the seasonal paint pot and give way to evergreen trees higher up, until, right at the top, even bushes and Alpine roses relinquish their sceptres to realms of rock and eternal ice. Although each holiday region has its own character, they all have one thing in common – individuality and variety. Hiking routes and cycle paths, ski pistes and bathing lakes lure holidaymakers away from the routine of their daily lives and right into Mother Nature's treasure trove: South Tyrol.