“Being there is a matter of honour, taking part goes without saying!“ Lots of South Tyroleans go by this saying. Because when it comes to customs and traditions, not taking part is not an option.
“We three kings ...“
The 'Sternsinger' carol singers are part and parcel of the new year. Children tramp from house to house dressed as the Three Kings equipped with a star and presents, wishing the inhabitants good fortune and health in the new year and giving out chalk and incense. In some parts of the country, carols are even still sung in Ladin:
Bon di y bon ann!
Aliegher y sann,
cun grazia y fertuna
dl tëmp y dl ann,
ve mbince n bon ann,
cun grazia y sanità,
y cun manco picià.
“We are always particularly happy when children come into our houses and welcome in the new year with their singing. Of course, they get given some goodies for their efforts, too.“ explains Silvia Delago from
Appartement Arbea in Gröden with a wink. Some people remember the time when they were themselves young 'Sternsinger'.
“God bless this house“
But why do they give out chalk and incense? Simply so that the inhabitants can carry out another custom to bring good luck. And this takes place during the night when all is quiet and slumbering beneath the snow outside.“For us kids it was always exciting plodding through the house and across the courtyard following our father with the smoking incense. And we would write the initials of C + M + B above every door for good luck“, a traditionally-minded Vinschgau resident tells us. The numbers for the year in question are also written on the threshold with the consecrated chalk 20*C+M+B*16. CMB refers to the three kings Caspar, Melchior and Balthasar on the one hand, whilst on the other hand it is said to be short for 'Christus Mansionem Benedicat' – 'God bless this house.'
In with the new!
Anyone in Ultental valley at the start of the year may find themselves being wished “Happy New Year!“ from afar. Here it is said that the first to wish someone a“Happy New Year“ can look forward to good luck and health. This is why lots of locals yell it out to others just to be on the safe side.
Rolling out the red carpet
The most harmonious New Year's concert has to be that of the 'Musikkapelle', the local music band. In lots of valleys the village band goes from house to house during the first few days of the new year and plays various pieces for the inhabitants to guarantee an upbeat start to the year. In many places they are invited in to warm their hands on a hot cup of tea or home-made schnaps before carrying on their way. “Top quality schnaps helps us to play in tune“ jokes one muscian.
So we see that locals put their heart into ensuring that it's impossible to have a year of misfortune in this beautiful mountainous world! As they say:
“Being there is a matter of honour, taking part goes without saying!“